Downton Abey, Miliband and Tuition Fees

October 15, 2010 at 2:12 pm (Random musings) (, , , , , , , , )

Alas, busy times have yet again kept me away from my beloved blog. Hopefully I’ll be on track a bit for next week.

For my viewing pleasure a couple of things sparked my interest. I saw Ben Afflecks latest The Town last week. Very Enjoyable, it was a good solid crime flick.  Also, I find myself quite suprised about my enjoyment of Downton Abbey. Don’t get me wrong, it’s nowhere near the high level of Fellowe’s earlier effort Gosford Park but decent nonethless. I had high hopes for Meadows This is England spin off but ultimately found it disapointing. It was too rushed, didn’t really explore anything that wasn’t already explored much better in it’s partner film and overall didn’t really add up too much except, rather arrogently, assuming than grittiness in of itself moves British Drama forward. This is where Downton succeeds, for all it’s soapie leanings (and they certainly are there) it allows itself time in it’s story telling for character development. So yeah, it’s rather well done.    

I also, caught Mr. Ed Milibands first Pmq’s. To me, he seemed nervous at first. The witty, well prepared lines seeming a little forced but, as Cameron continued with his ill judged way of dealing with the new leader, Ed’s confidence grew allowing him to nail the final question. Still, he hasn’t mastered his problem; that Cameron couldn’t have been mistaken for anyone other than the Prime minister and that Ed still looked somewhat like a studenty opposition leader.

As for the Lib Dems and the Tuition fee’s? Well, they’ve payed a bit of a price for making a promise, that I suspect, they knew they wouldn’t be able to deliver in power. On principle Lib Dems probably should vote against it; not because of the manifesto argument (an argument that finds itself redundent when talking about a goverment formed in coalition) but because of how hard they went after that student vote. I mean, we’ve all seen those pictures of mp’s siging the pledges and rallying alongside students. It was a promise they shouldn’t have made, but because they did so aggressively, they look shifty when making such a dramatic U turn. Of course, this also means they don’t get thanked when the 30% poorest students will actually pay less than they do now. Also, Cleggs fairness premium should also be welcomed.

Anyway, keep checking back

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